XML and Web Services In The News - 29 September 2006

Provided by OASIS | Edited by Robin Cover

This issue of XML Daily Newslink is sponsored by Innodata Isogen


 W3C Introduces XProc: An XML Pipeline Language
 ebXML Registry Profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL)
 Guide to Versioning XML Languages Using XML Schema 1.1
 What's New in WS-BPEL 2.0?
 Time Ontology in OWL
 Sun Moves Grid Team into Software Group
 BEA Offers Glimpse of SOA Tool Set

W3C Introduces XProc: An XML Pipeline Language
Norman Walsh (ed), W3C Working Draft
W3C has announced the publication of a First Public Working Draft for "XProc: An XML Pipeline Language." The draft was produced my members of the XML Processing Model Working Group as part of the W3C XML Activity. That working group was chartered to address a range concerns that are not formally defined in the XML Recommendation itself, for example, ability to specify the order, parameters, and expected results of transformations in a standard way. XSLT, XML Schema, XInclude, XML Canonicalization, and other specifications do define transformations that operate on and produce XML documents. However, the order in which these transformations are to be applied is not specified anywhere, even though applying them in different orders will in general yield different results. The draft "XProc: An XML Pipeline Language" document begins to address concerns presented in the W3C "XML Processing Model Requirements and Use Cases" specification, released in April 2006. From the XProc Introduction: "An XML Pipeline specifies a sequence of operations to be performed on a collection of input documents. Pipelines take zero or more XML documents as their input and produce zero or more XML documents as their output. Steps in the pipeline may read or write non-XML resources as well. A pipeline consists of components. Like pipelines, components take zero or more XML documents as their input and produce zero or more XML documents as their output. The inputs to a component come from the web, from the pipeline document, from the inputs to the pipeline itself, or from the outputs of other components in the pipeline. The outputs from a component are consumed by other components, are outputs of the pipeline as a whole, or are discarded. There are two kinds of components: steps and (language) constructs. Steps carry out single operations and have no substructure as far as the pipeline is concerned, whereas constructs can include components within themselves.
See also: Norm Walsh's blog

ebXML Registry Profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL)
Asuman Dogac, Y. Kabak, Gokce B. Laleci (eds), OASIS Committee Draft
Members of the OASIS ebXML Registry TC have approved an "ebXML Registry Profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL)" specification as a Committee Draft. This document is an OASIS ebXML Registry Semantic Content Management Committee Working Draft Profile and the work by the Editors is realized within the scope of the IST 2104 SATINE Project sponsored by the European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, eBusiness Unit. The CD defines the ebXML Registry profile for publishing, management, discovery and reuse of OWL Lite Ontologies. The ebXML Registry holds the metadata for the RegistryObjects and the documents pointed at by the RegistryObjects reside in an ebXML repository. The basic semantic mechanisms of ebXML Registry are classification hierarchies (ClassificationScheme) consisting of ClassificationNodes and the Association Types among RegistryObjects. Furthermore, RegistryObjects can be assigned properties through a slot mechanism and RegistryObjects can be classified using instances of Classification, ClassificationScheme and ClassificationNodes. Given these constructs, considerable amount of semantics can be defined in the registry. However, currently semantics is becoming a much broader issue than it used to be since several application domains are making use of ontologies to add knowledge to their data and applications. One of the driving forces for ontologies is the Semantic Web initiative. As a part of this initiative, W3C's Web Ontology Working Group defined Web Ontology Language (OWL). Naturally, there is lot to be gained from using a standard ontology definition language, like OWL, to express semantics in ebXML registries. This document normatively defines the ebXML Registry profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL) Lite. More specifically, this document normatively specifies how OWL Lite constructs SHOULD be represented by ebXML RIM constructs without causing any changes in the core ebXML Registry specifications. Furthermore, this document normatively specifies the code to process some of the OWL semantics through parameterized stored procedures that SHOULD be made available from the ebXML Registry.
See also: the OASIS ebXML Registry TC

Guide to Versioning XML Languages Using XML Schema 1.1
David Orchard (ed)., W3C Working Draft
W3C's XML Schema Working Group has released a First Public Working Draft for the "Guide to Versioning XML Languages using XML Schema 1.1." The document has been developed by the W3C XML Schema Working Group, as part of the W3C XML Activity, to illustrate the use of XML Schema 1.1 in defining XML languages. XML Schema 1.1 introduces a number of new features intended to make it easier to define XML languages which are flexible enough to tolerate later revision in a forward-compatible way. The current draft is not complete, but it illustrates several techniques important for the versioning of XML languages defined using XML Schema 1.1. It will be updated to make it more complete and to reflect further technical changes in the development of XML Schema 1.1. The intended audience of this document includes application developers whose programs read and write schema documents, and schema authors who need to know about the features of the language, especially features that provide functionality above and beyond what is provided by DTDs. The text assumes that you have a basic understanding of XML, Namespaces in XML, and XML Schema. The guide is a non-normative document, which means that it does not provide a definitive (from the W3C's point of view) specification of the XML Schema language. The examples and other explanatory material in this document are provided to help you understand XML Schema, but they may not always provide definitive answers. In such cases, you will need to refer to the XML Schema specification. To help you do this, we provide many links pointing to the relevant parts of the specification. The W3C TAG is working on a versioning finding that provides a language-independent rationale and description of languages, extensibility, versioning, and compatibility. The TAG Finding suggested reading for these topics.
See also: Dave Orchard's Blog

What's New in WS-BPEL 2.0?
TC Members, OASIS WSBPEL TC Presentation
A presentation on new features in the Web Services Business Process Execution Language Version 2.0 has been provided by the OASIS WSBPEL TC. In terms of Data Access, the version 2.0 specification introduces an XSD complex-type variable, simplifies the xpath expression by leverage of the '$' syntax, simplifies message access on WSDL message, provides clarification of the 'copy' operation behavior under 'assign', and adds 'keepSrcElement' option to 'copy' to deal with XSD substitution group or choice... For Message Operations, the specification: (i) Adds Join-style Correlation Set — to allow multiple participants to rendezvous at the same process with a deterministic order; (ii) Adds PartnerLink declaration local to a scope; (iii) Adds 'initializePartnerRole' switch to specify whether deployment step need to specify an endpoint reference for the callee/partner; (iv) Adds 'messageExchange' construct to pair up concurrent 'receive' and 'reply' activities. As to Abstract Process, v2.0: (1) Clarifies of the model for Abstract Process and its usage patterns; (2) Introduces 'Abstract Profile concept' to address different needs in Abstract Processes, with two example profiles: Observable Behavior and Process Template.
See also: John Evdemon's blog

Time Ontology in OWL
Jerry R. Hobbs and Feng Pan, W3C Working Draft
Members of W3C's Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group have released the First Public Working Draft for "Time Ontology in OWL." The document presents an ontology of temporal concepts, OWL-Time (formerly DAML-Time), for describing the temporal content of Web pages and the temporal properties of Web services. The ontology provides a vocabulary for expressing facts about topological relations among instants and intervals, together with information about durations, and about datetime information. It also demonstrates in detail, using the Congo.com and Bravo Air examples from OWL-S, how this time ontology can be used to support OWL-S, including use cases for defining input parameters and (conditional) output parameters. A use case for meeting scheduling is also shown. In the appendix we also describe a time zone resource in OWL we developed for not only the US but also the entire world, including the time zone ontology, the US time zone instances, and the world time zone instances.
See also: the W3C news item

Sun Moves Grid Team into Software Group
Peter Galli, eWEEK
Sun Microsystems is hoping to revive the fortunes of its grid computing initiative by moving that team into the software group under Rich Green, its executive vice president for software. The move geared to bring developers into the Sun grid fold. "We are very interested in stepping up our activities and investments in the developer area. The rationale behind bringing the team closer to the rest of the software organization is also about alignment with our developers," Green said. As such, the organizational structure is being looked at closely as Sun wants to make sure that, in line with its increasingly "developer-centric, developer-friendly, developer-active drive, we address the conspicuous absence of the developer aspect in the grid program. You will certainly see that part added," Green said. The grid team brings a wealth of experience in a number of key areas to the software group — from those who assembled and deployed the physical grid infrastructure to the software team that built the management, billing and payment components, as well as the management and administration capabilities. Sun's involvement in this space spans several areas, he said, from the Sun grid development and technology architecture to the company's operation of development and deployment grids. But the company is also essentially developing grid products that allow other companies to build and deploy grid services and software as a service.

BEA Offers Glimpse of SOA Tool Set
Sumner Lemon, InfoWorld
BEA Systems this week offered a rare glimpse of its upcoming SOA (service-oriented architecture) tool set, called WorkSpace 360, with a demonstration of a prototype tool currently under development. The heart of WorkSpace 360 is called WorkSpace Central, a set of tools designed for developing and managing applications built using BEA's upcoming SOA 360 platform. Scheduled to be introduced starting next year, WorkSpace 360 is designed to bring business analysts, architects, developers and IT operations executives together in a shared workspace. WorkSpace 360 will cover BEA's entire product lineup, including a mix of rich-client tools based on Eclipse and Web-based versions. "It starts potentially with AquaLogic and leveraging AquaLogic business- process management. There then will be a piece which we've previously called AquaLogic Composer, which will evolve into a bunch of tools, including a service assembly modeller," Roth said. The service assembly modeller, which is based on the SCA (Service Component Architecture) specification developed by BEA and IBM, gives users a view of how different services are connected and how they communicate, Roth said. The service assembly modeller can scan a set of services available from a registry or a data-services platform and display the connections that exist between them. The result, as demonstrated using a prototype of the tool on Roth's laptop, is a flow chart of available services, including SCA notations for each service.

XML.org is an OASIS Information Channel sponsored by BEA Systems, Inc., IBM Corporation, Innodata Isogen, SAP AG and Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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