What's involved?
Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Thu, 2007-01-11 13:08. Last updated on Fri, 2008-05-30 15:47.
Creating and maintaining an XML.org Focus Area is a straighforward process. The basic steps involved include:
- Get buy-in. OASIS Communications staff and interested members work with the appropriate OASIS TC(s) to build support for the site.
- Create a mailing list for editors. All OASIS members are invited to participate in the site's Editorial Board. If the Editorial Board is functioning as a work project of a single TC, subcommittee, joint committee, or Member Section, work can be conducted using that group's existing mailing list. If several TCs are working on a single site, a separate mailing list may be created for the Editorial Board.
- Organize an Editorial Board. Editorial Board members use the email list and conference calls to elect a chair or co-chairs from their group, outline content, and assign responsibility for specific pages. Chairs are responsible for convening Editorial Board calls and posting meeting minutes. Conference calls are scheduled by the Editorial Board (typically weekly until launch, then monthly or quarterly) to meet the projected launch date. The Editorial Board operates informally, with decisions made by group consensus. (Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised may be used should a formal process be needed.)
- Register. OASIS IT staff creates a skeleton site, http://<name>.xml.org, with empty content categories for the site. Editorial board members register online, then notify OASIS Communications. Staff sets special 'editor' access privileges for all Board members.
- Populate the Wiki Knowledgebase. Editorial Board members draft, collaborate on, and review an outline of Wiki pages and content. Most TCs already have appropriate content existing in the form of white papers, FAQ, charter documents, slide presentations, etc. Organizing it into Wiki pages is usually easily accomplished. The Board may also determines a poll question and one or more topics for Forums.
- Receive staff support. OASIS staff creates “About this site” content and assists the Editorial Board as needed.
- Preview site with other TC members. Members of the affiliated TC(s) are invited to review and comment on the Focus Area content before the site is publicly launched. Their suggestions are reviewed and addressed by the Editorial Board.
- Add company info. The Editorial Board and TC members are invited to seed pages with their own organization's product listings, testimonials, news, case studies, etc.
- Promote.OASIS issues a press release announcing the new Focus Area and covers it in Consortium newsletters and web sites. OASIS staff provide a link to the new site from the XML.org homepage and from the affiliated OASIS TC's homepage. OASIS staff, Editorial Board members, and TC members work to promote use of the site.
- Maintain content. Editorial Board members continue to visit the site on a regular basis, reviewing posted comments, adding information, etc. The Board may choose to hold monthly or quarterly conference calls to discuss maintenance and ideas for enhancing the site.
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